Category Archives: Podcast

Two Creation Stories, Harmonizing Two Perspectives

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we discuss the beginning of the Torah and the relevance of the two creation stories

We discuss:

  • Unpacking the two creation stories
  • The role of the first creation story in our liturgy
  • Seeing imminence and transcendence from the very beginning
  • The importance of being allowed to fail
  • Was the story of Adam and Eve a set up?


Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

Seeing Blessing in the Everyday –Preparing for the High Holidays

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we read The Art of Blessing the Day, by Marge Piercy, as a jumping off point to talk about blessing and the upcoming High Holidays

We discuss:

  • Seeing blessing in the every day
  • The challenge of appreciating and being in the moment
  • Looking to young people for inspiration to act in the world
  • Challenges of modern communication as it relates to missing the mark in the way we communicate, in particular in relation to Yom Kippur

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

Grappling With our Responsibility to the Earth

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we say hello to new members of our conversation, Helena and Bernie. We continue to hear the voice of Julian.

We discuss:

  • The connection between Jewish values and agriculture
  • Balance between economics and ethics
  • Awareness of the interplay between humans and the environment
  • The importance of taking small steps

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

Growing up in an Interfaith Family

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we say goodbye to our rabbinic intern Jay Stanton as he leads a conversation about growing up in an Interfaith family. We also welcome Gideon, age 9, to the conversation with our regulars Julian and Jasmine.

We discuss:

  • What it means to embrace your Jewish identity
  • Having multiple identities
  • How having a background that cannot be neatly defined is an asset, allowing access to the complexity of the world
  • Breaking out of defined boxes, challenging norms
  • How to own one’s identity

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

How Core Beliefs Support Change

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we say goodbye to Jasmine as she gets ready for college.

We discuss:

  • Whether there is really such a thing as an ending or a beginning
  • How endings prepare us for beginnings
  • Why knowing who you are and what you believe in matters
  • Acknowledging those who are different and really listening
  • How the Torah gives us support and examples for change and transition

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

De-stigmatizing Mental Illness

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we discuss mental illness and how it is viewed in society.

We discuss:

  • Stigma surrounding mental illness
  • Lack of adequate mental healthcare
  • The importance of therapy
  • Biblical representations of mental health

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

What Does Seder Mean Today?

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we discuss how we can relate to the seder and the Passover story.

We discuss:

  • How the seder can be interpreted to provide meaning in today’s world
  • The implication of being chosen
  • Why we need to take care of widows, orphans and strangers
  • The seder as a didactic and dramatic event – shaped by the leader

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

What Community Means to Us?

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we discuss our understanding of community with Jasmine, Julian, Helena and Bernie.

We discuss:

  • What a community means to our teens and what it feels like to be part of our community
  • The importance of inclusion; finding common ground across differences
  • The difference between communities we choose vs. communities into which we are placed
  • Circumstances that prompt people to build community
  • How community can help address fear and work to overcome a common struggle
  • How trust and unity build community

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

Teens Question the Life of a Rabbi-Part 2

This is the second in this two-part episode of Tehillah Talks, where Jasmine and Julian ask Rabbi Linda about her path to become a rabbi.

We discuss:

  • What it’s like to be Jewish in a dominantly Christian culture
  • When one feels the presence of the Divine
  • What characterizes our Rabbi and Congregation
  • How random acts of kindness can create powerful, intimate connections without words
  • A woman’s perspective within spiritual leadership

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and


Teens Question the Life of a Rabbi-Part 1

We turn the tables in this two-part episode of Tehillah Talks, where Jasmine and Julian ask Rabbi Linda about her path to become a rabbi.

We discuss:

  • Rabbi Linda’s journey to the rabbinate
  • Julian asks Rabbi Linda about her relationship to and understanding of the Divine

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and