Guidance From Our Tradition to Support Our Transitions

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we discuss:

  • How we respond to rules and regulations
  • What we should do with inexplicable rules
  • How stories impact our responses to rules
  • What helps us prepare for transitions
  • Where it makes sense to be granular vs. open about rules
  • How the Torah and the Talmud serve as a blueprint for the interaction of stories and rules
  • How rules help us navigate transitions, interact and make the world a better place

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

How to Find Common Ground When You Come From Different Perspectives

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we discuss:

  • Being in a heated conversation, what happens when you really listen?
  • If you don’t know someone who disagrees with you, how do you find respect for them?
  • How easy is it to hear other people’s stories?
  • How hard is it to find commonality with someone with whom you disagree?
  • What it means to be taught how to compromise
  • How we can get out of our corners

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

The Meaning of Our Prayers and How They Influence Us

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we discuss:

  • What is love?
  • Can you command someone to love?
  • How easy is it to love your neighbor as yourself?
  • The challenges and benefits of connecting being a stranger in a strange land with loving your neighbor
  • How looking at love as paying attention changes the transaction and focus
  • How breaking bread with strangers can build connections

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

How Our Tradition Teaches Us to Listen

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we discuss:

  • How can you command people to listen
  • What it takes to listen to and hear another person’s voice
  • How God’s unity helps us listen to people we don’t agree with
  • How to discern the biases in someone else’s viewpoint
  • Using the Sh’ma as a context for listening to the world
  • Taking time to listen before we talk

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

The Power of Story

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we discuss:

  • Why it matters to tell the story on Passover
  • The desire to remember the story of the Holocaust and to forget it
  • How objects connect us to story
  • Our connections to our family stories
  • How stories change as we reread them over time
  • What stories may obligate us to do
  • Story as a way in

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

Searching for Identity Through the Themes of Purim

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we discuss:

  • Dressing in ridiculous costumes
  • What roots us in our identity
  • The tension between our public and private identity
  • How to get beyond judgments that are based on appearance
  • How to keep going forward in challenging times
  • Fear vs. solidarity in response to a threat
  • What holds us up during difficult moments

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

Reflections on Genesis: Being in Formation

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we discuss:

  • The definition of the word genesis
  • Where we are in our own personal formation journey
  • How the Joseph narrative may relate to our own transitions
  • How we find a good starting point for something new
  • How to find the positive amid negative messaging
  • Communities we can turn to when we are feeling overwhelmed or struggling
  • What we are grateful for that supports our transitions

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

Reflections on Noah: The Righteous Person in Our World today

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we discuss:

  • What does it mean to be a good person?
  • Should we give Noah a bad rap?
  • What does it take to get out of our places of comfort?
  • Are we being trained to think before we act?
  • What can we do differently to build positive impact?

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

Welcoming the New Year

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we discuss:

  • Why we have to mark beginnings
  • Why we start with the same texts and stories at the beginning of every year
  • How we highlight the importance of beginnings
  • Our wishes for the New Year

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

Why is Caring for the Environment a Jewish Value?

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we discuss:

  • Why the environment has lost attention
  • Learning about long-term impact
  • The way values about our land are embedded in our Jewish texts
  • How can we focus more on the communal and less on the individual
  • How can we create a sense of urgency with the environment
  • How can we make choices for the future where the environment fits in

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and