Category Archives: Podcast

Reflections on Violence in Our Society

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, we reflect on being Jewish when violence is an everyday occurrence.

We discuss:

  • Examples of violence around us – in Pittsburgh and Kentucky
  • How recent anti-Semitism seems the same and different from Kristallnacht
  • With a legacy of oppression, why it is important to stand up for others
  • Why it is easier to be part of a solution to oppression when we stand together as part of a Jewish community

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

Post-Thanksgiving Reflections

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, in light of Thanksgiving, Jasmine and Julian share their thoughts on gratitude.

We discuss:

  • The importance of empathy and mindfulness
  • How gratitude is part of the Jewish frame of reference
  • How the act of giving and thanking are both intrinsic to gratitude
  • How coming together as family, although not always simple, is a way of rooting oneself, thereby being a source of gratitude

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

Bar and Bat Mitzvah – A Unique Opportunity for Growth and Change

On todays’ episode of Tehillah Talks, Jasmine and Julian share their Bar/Bat Mitzvah experiences, a true entryway into Jewish adulthood for both of them.

We discuss:

  • What’s it’s like to be the first on your family to celebrate your Bat Mitzvah
  • Why your Bar Mitzvah does not have to look and feel like every one else’s celebration
  • How a teenager can create his/her own meaningful Jewish experience
  • How a Bar Mitzvah is a window for a parent to see into the future for his/her child

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and

Beginnings and Endings – Looking to Moses as an Exemplar

In this episode of Tehillah Talks, Jasmine and Julian share their personal responses to endings.

We discuss:

  • The importance of ritual to mark a transition
  • Seeing Moses as a less-than-perfect exemplar of both leadership and succession
  • Examples of transitions in the lives of our teens

Learn more about our community that is committed to an environment in which all are welcome wherever they or their families find themselves on their Jewish journey, inclusive of any age, race, orientation, gender identity, ability and economic status at and